Start Your Fit Life 4 Week Program

I’ve always been the kind of person to start a diet or a fitness challenge, only to revert back to my old, unhealthy habits after a few weeks. The reason I failed to commit time and time again had everything to do with unsustainable practices. I was always trying to implement a drastic change in my life. And while drastic changes may have led to quick results, they certainly didn’t last.

At the beginning of this year, I decided that enough was enough. I was tired of…

  • yo-yo dieting
  • experiencing low energy
  • relying on motivation
  • feeling tired constantly
  • restricting my diet
  • doing too much cardio

Thus began a long 11 month journey committed to researching and experimenting with methods to turn my life around.

What changed?

Everything about my mindset and approach to health and fitness changed.

Prior to my journey

  • had a fixed belief that my worth was tied to my physical appearance
  • inconsistently committed to random nutrition and fitness plans
  • constantly binge ate and under ate

After 11 Months

  • reoriented my focus away from physical appearance to physical wellbeing.
  • set specific, realistic goals
  • implemented bite sized changes to my lifestyle which eventually led to permanent habits
  • found balance in my diet to include the sweets I love and healthy meals

My own health journey inspired me to create this 4 week program, Start Your Fit Life, for women who started as I did:

  • unmotivated
  • inconsistent
  • Inexperienced

The goal of this program is to help you build sustainable habits for the longevity of your health. It’s not about quick fixes or dramatic transformations. It’s about clarifying purpose, listening to your body and progressing towards long lasting change!